Sunday, March 05, 2006

You might be a bad poker player if

I have always had problems with Allergies, and I half expected them to go away when I left Georgia. It appears I have these problems anywhere stuff grows, good thing I am moving to a desert. Saturday night I was only able to play 3 hours before the allergies kicked me in the teeth enough to send me to a benadryl induced coma, and 6 hours on Sunday. I did manage to take 340 out of the game during that sequence, so that is a good side benefit but playing sick is BAD! At least with a regular job when you are sick you can call in and still get paid... here if I call in I get nothing, and if I play sick I probably lose money. Whee....

I leave Tulsa for New Mexico Monday morning. I was going to play the 30 dollar tourney at Cherokee but it gets 80-120 people and I have a 9 hour drive if I take I-40 (which I won't since I am going route 66), so I am just going to make it a travel day instead. Once I get into New Mexico I will check the room out and decide what to do next. I can either go down to Phoenix and hit Casino Arizona, spring training, and the World Baseball Classic. I could also go over to Laughlin and get a much cheaper room. Not sure which yet, but I am leaning towards baseball. A few extra bucks, but I have never been to a spring training game before.

The more time I spend at the tables the more I realize how many good players are not that good. I have great respect for the gamboolers and their raise every hand mentality. However the ones who tilt easily, expect everyone to play their game and not adjust, and the ones who have stupid ideas about poker... so I came up with this list that will help you know the bad players who THINK they are not.

You might be a bad poker player if you have ever said (and meant it) ...

- I never win with AK, I should just fold it pre-flop (this is also often said of AA and KK)
- Everytime I get KK there is an Ace on the flop
- I hate games where it is capped 8 ways pre-flop.
- How do you beat a 1/2 No-limit game where it is 60 to see a flop 6 ways.
- I wish people would stop chasing and learn to fold.

I am sure there are a lot more... but those are really starting to bug me. I am off to route 66 tomorrow...


TMac said...

You know me and AK :) I still play it the same way everytime and I probably win with it more than I lose. Either way it seems cursed for me and I will keep bitching about it.

Anonymous said...

Have fun on Route 66! There are parts taht are haunted! Weeeeeeeeeeeeee!


Bald Eagle Poker said...

WOOO! Haunted roads. That must be who kept stealing all the street signs. "OH look I am on Route 66, oh wait. where did it go!"

Anonymous said...

Hey Rich! Miss ya love but I hope you have having a great time. I read all your blogs and understood half of them. Sounded like a lot of fun especially in New Orleans with the cousins. Good luck in Vegas. Go make some $.

Your sis with love,
Tab :)