Wednesday, March 22, 2006

A Day off

Monday, March 21st

There are two teachers at the school I am going to for dealing. One of them is an intro teacher, teaching mechanics and process, etc. The other is an advanced teacher who handles advanced theory and actual game situations. The intro teacher is my teacher for now, and he is not there on Mondays. Instead there is another guy there. Now I am not trying to be snobby but I want a consistent lesson and one teacher. I also need some kind of a break. So Monday is now going to be my day off! No poker, no class, no nothing. Between 10 hours a week on an IT contract, 25 hours in class, and 30-40 hours at the poker tables. I need a day off each week! You would think the unemployed would have more free time... but nope.

I took the time on Monday to go look at more places to live and found one place that scared me to death. I literally wanted to go get a shot for every disease known to man after leaving that house. It was very very bad... me no want to live there! However, the other place was gorgeous. It is south of town which is growing rapidly and has a beautiful view of the landscape and surrounding mountains and desert. The house is awesome, a nice bedroom upstairs and pool table downstairs. The family (husband, wife and 4 month old son) are awesome and I spent an hour getting to know them. They were marvelous and both around my age. So I called them on Monday evening to take the place and sent them my references and deposit. I hope I get it.

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