Wednesday, March 22, 2006

I think I need a job

Wednesday, March 15th

I slept in and had a breakfast of oatmeal of which I ate 3 bites... the stomach still isn't quite right, and then went to meet up with Trevor to see the GAMA show and all our old friends. It was great to see everyone and what everybody is up to. All the old decipherians have moved on to new haunts so I now know someone at all the major companies which is sweet. I feel so special :)

After a hotdog for lunch (which I ate almost the ENTIRE thing! WOO! and drank a coke) I went to go look at schools. You only get a job audition in Vegas one of two ways... you pass a class, or you have documented experience. It turns out that my experience doesn't count... so class it is. Casino Gaming School came highly recommended and had the highest Student to Teacher ratio. It also had the best history of placing people in jobs... Noone can GIVE you a job you have to earn it... and they teach the most technique and mechanics which will help get those.

I went ahead and signed up to start the next day and went back to meet up with Trevor for dinner. We went to a very very expensive Outback (since when is a steak at Outback 30 dollars) and then over to the Riviera to play for awhile. I only made it until about 10 PM before crashing out, but I did eat almost 1/3 of a 9 oz steak and 3 bites of potatoes! So I felt like I was back to 5 or 10% of normal... whee!

The players at the Riviera are HORRID. Oh my goodness I wish they had something more than 2/4, but I took 55 out of 2/4 in 2 hours while catching absolutely horrid cards. I literally saw ONE ace, but one good read, and a couple good flops out of the blinds as well as a really nicely played flopped flush brought me into the positive without cards. It is always nice to win without cards.

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