Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Good bye Trevor

Thursday, March 15th

This is Trevor's last day here so after I finished my first day of class (turns out I do everything wrong and have bad habits at dealing as well.. go figure) we met up for some excitement back at the hotel. Blackjack went well for me, but poorly for Trevor... Poker went well for me but Poorly for Trevor. So I managed to get up 116 before we went out for a night of drinks with Mark and Trevor. It was great to see Tuttle again and he is doing marvelous things at Wizkids.

Apparently there is some kind of time machine in Vegas because I didn't remember drinking that much or staying out that late.. but it was 3 AM when I dropped Trevor off at the Riviera to play some poker before his 7 AM flight and I went and crashed. Friday morning came awful early... so of course I skipped class :) And relaxed a little around the house. Still trying to get my sea legs back and actually was starting to eat a little.

1 comment:

TMac said...

I ended up for poker for the week, just down for everything else. WTF is up with the Pai Gow dealer winning 6 or 7 hands in a row.