Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Whew... I need a nap

Well it is all over but the final paycheck, and it was one heck of a ride. I never realized sitting in a chair slinging cards around could be so tiring.. but it was. I ended up working 13 days straight without a day off and I am definately worn out and need some rest... Luckily I have nothing planned for the next 2 weeks so I plan to get some nice mid-afternoon naps.

The media circus at the WPT was amazing. They were like bees swarming around leaning over my shoulder, writing down everything. These guys were playing for a first prize of 1 million dollars, so any mistakes were definately NOT an option. I made sure to take my time and not make any mistakes, which I fortunately didn't. There was a line of laptops along one side, TV cameras and interview chairs on the other, a live radio show going on, and hordes of note taking peons.

I ended up finishing with 75 tournament downs for the event. Each down was 30 minutes in the box. I also picked up about 650 in tips from live games. I get my final check and tips on Friday so we will see how it all comes out in the end. It was certainly well worth the effort. I made a lot of great contacts, had a great time, and have established myself in the tournament world as a viable tournament dealer who anyone would be happy to have.

I managed to pick up some leads on new events and tournaments and am going to be pursuing those to keep this train rolling. Things do look very promising to say the least.


Unknown said...

Well done, dude! Sounds like a great time! I'm glad to hear your enjoying it, making money doing it, AND making money playing it. Well done, indeed.

So I guess this all begs the question - when do we see you playing in the main event versus dealing it?

Anonymous said...

Hey Rich. Just wanted to check in with you. Rissa had the baby Sunday ( which I guess you know) and is home resting peacefully now. I'm glad you enjoyed the tournament and I hope you make a killing at it.

Love ya,
Tab :)