Saturday, May 20, 2006

Sir, come with me please

I am going to try to update the blog more often, with shorter posts... I find I wait to long to post, then there is to much to say, then I put it off because I am too busy, etc. I played my longest session in a good long while, 8.5 hours of solid poker. No walks, no breaks, no fooling. I managed to finish up 243 and felt I played pretty decent. No really huge hands of note, just solid play and solid equity calls and raises. I did find it extremely funny when the guy next to me won a 4 way pot with bottom pair (he had a flush draw and caught a pair), and another guy won a hand against a caller, the caller had 7 high. Now I understand calling for information, or if he might be bluffing.. but he had 7 freaking HIGH! (btw, this is the same guy who called my bluff with Ace high and won.... so maybe he couldn't read the cards.. he wasn't very young).

One of the more interesting events of the day came as I was leaving. Security surrounded a table and escorted a gentleman from the 5/10 No-limit game for refusing to pay a river bet. Apparently he went all-in and a guy called and he didn't want to pay the whole thing. They spent 20 minutes negotiating and eventually read the guy the trespass act and escorted him from the casino.

I turned in my notice at Poker Palace since I can't fit that AND Mandaly Bay WPT into my schedule. The boss was very nice and told me he wasn't surpised, he knew as soon as I auditioned for him I was too good to work there and would be gone very soon. That was a nice ego boost for me... I also got some nice feedback from my instructors that they were not worried at all about me in these upcoming events, and that I was good enough to be working on a strip casino now.

One thing that is very frustrating is the more I learn about the dealing the more it upsets me to watch bad dealers. It is absolutely stunning to see how bad they are. I mean the simplest things, making sure everyone called a raise... making sure everyone got a chance to bet... making sure everyone got 2 cards. I watched one girl give BACK money to a guy telling him he had bet to much, then having to go get the money back when we pointed out she was wrong. It is just sad how bad some people are, but I guess in any industry not everyone really belongs.... I just thought in a place where you have to AUDITION for a job, it would be less frequent to find people who sucked at that job.


Unknown said...

I suspect that with this new infusion of players the recent poker mania has attracted that casinos are forced to accept less than high quality applicants just to get the job done. May all the low quality players get matched w/the low quality dealers.

Jason said...

Of course, I see "strip casino" and immediately think something else entirely...

Hayden said...

So, is it safe to say that dealing on the WPT is a huge plus for your resume and will open up better job opportunities?

Anonymous said...

Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!