Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Best Damn 4 Hours EVER!

Oh tuesdays... so much to do and so little time. The testing for WACA's new WISE release is going poorly as I am getting some strange ramp up results and the script which ran fine in testing is now erroring out. So I have to get that fixed, the wireless at the new place is flaky at best but I did find a Panera where I can relax and work with a lot more speed.

After chasing a fax machine all over town, getting a printout of the IRS forms my contracting payments, and signing everything I was only 2 hours late for class... Not to bad, class was good felt good in the box both downs and am really starting to feel good dealing Hold'em. I even worked on my Stud pitch and it is looking a lot better when I relax :)

After class and fighting traffic (I thought I left this behind in Atlanta!) I hit the Rio for a night of poker. About 5 PM the fun really started... oh lordy. An hour of blackjack results in me being up 230, even thought the pit boss wouldn't give a buffet comp! WTF! I bet 25 dollars a hand for an hour, I get to eat for free... I read that in the manual! Harrah's is different of course... bastards. Still not a bad start...

I then go over to the poker room and the 4/8 is full so I get on the list, while I am waiting I heard they were doing World Series of Poker auditions on Tuesday mornings. I thought this might be a good way to get a lot of time in the box and make some contacts by dealing the World Series of Poker. I planned to spend a LOT of time practicing in class and go next Tuesday to audition. I ask the floor manager some questions about the audition, what time, what documentation do I need, etc. He tells me the answers and then says "Well they are over there right now, go ahead and audition now." Oh lordy! I am soooo not ready! I haven't practiced nearly enough, I am dressed in Jeans and sneakers, haven't shaved in 3 days... Oh god. Sure why not :) Worst they can say is I suck and go practice. So I go over and have to wait about 30 mins till they get to me, and then it starts.

I blow the first two questions out of the box. What is HORSE? and what is the max bet in a Pot Limit Omaha game? I knew the answers but I missed them anyways (I said the E in horse was Omaha 8 or better instead of Stud 8 or better, and the max bet in PL Omaha was the pot, but it is really a CALL then a RAISE of the pot). So at this point I just want to run away but I hang with it... I answer the rest of the questions, read a few hands, count down the stub for Omaha and Hold'em, give him the rules for Razz and Omaha H/L split, and then deal a hand of 2-7 Triple Draw lowball (thank god I tried that once on line), Omaha High, and Hold'em.

He tricks me once with a stupid question when dealing Omaha High he asks me what the nut hand is and I tell him, he then asks me what the nut low is and I show him. He says "Nope, we are playing Omaha not hi-low". Dork! Don't ask questions you don't want an answer to...

We then go through an ante exercise where he intentionally shorts the ante and another hand reading with a stub question. At the end he gives me the paper and tells me I start June 12th, go fill out the paperwork at HR! Holy cow they hired me! What a rush! I was shaking so bad I couldn't even say anything after that... I am going to be dealing the World Series of POKER! The big kahuna, the biggest tournament in the world! 6 weeks of 12-15 hour days at $5.25 an hour! Oh boy... what have I gotten into! If nothing else, it will be a shitload of experience!

So after all that I go eat dinner and get a fortune cookie which says (I am NOT kidding it really said this) "Today all your hard work will be rewarded" you better believe it! I sit in the 4/8 game and catch a gutshot for a huge pot, top pair, top kicker outkicks his Q/10 for another big pot, flopped set turns into a boat, Flop a broadway straight, and top pair holds up for some nice pots and a +174 profit playing for 2 hours and I call it a night.

Up 404 and got a job... How do you beat THAT for 4 hours of work! I can now officially say I am a "Professional Poker Dealer"! Bring it on biatch... life is good.


Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! YAAAYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We're gonna see you on tv!!! ;-) I'm so happy for you - how exciting!!!!!! Oh, I'm just dancing for joy over here. That's so incredibly great. WOO HOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TMac said...


Bald Eagle Poker said...

Thanks for all the congratulations. I am really really pumped about this. I never expected to be able to deal the World Series and this is such an exciting and important step for me. Not only will it be a hell of a lot of fun, but I will also get major experience to step into a real job later.

Jason said...

Awesome, man. Wish I could fuck up an interview that bad and get a job :)

Anonymous said...

Way to go Rich!! You're making a momma proud!! Maybe we'll see you on T