Tuesday, November 21, 2006

I'm not dead!

I have been slacking off big time in the blog... and I apologize. A quick run down of the past month or so.... Estie and I went to the Las Vegas Renessaince faire, let me say that it is nothing compared to Atlanta. A 3 day event, mostly vendors and amateurs. Not extremely exciting, but it was fun nonetheless. We are trying to plan a weekend in the mountains, but it hasn't come together yet... I went down to Anaheim with Trevor for GenCon SoCal (Wow that thing has really not taken off like GenCon Indy).... it was really good to see all my old friends from the Lord of the Rings days! I played a little bit of the new World of Warcraft CCG and managed to get 14th out of 156 in the one tournament I played. The prize support for that was 6 packs of the game... And talk about insanely lucky! I pulled the ultra-rare Turtle out of the packs and sold it on ebay for $125! Pay for the trip with one card! BONUS!

The month of October was not too bad for Poker... I still have to work on my scheduling with it, but I did get in 25 hours and finished up 970. So it was a good solid month, even though I hit a 700 downswing at the end of the month to make it much less exciting than it should be.

Work has picked up a ton... I figured out a few tricks of the trade, made some friends, and have managed to get up to 30-35 hours a week. I am pulling 6 days a week pretty regularly and even making some pretty decent money. I am up to 3rd from the top on the extra board list after we lost another extra board guy this weekend. He was fired for stealing.... I can't imagine how anyone would ever steal from the casino and completely ruin their career... Caught stealing from the casino = never work in a casino again!

On top of that, another guy is leaving next week and they have changed the tournament schedule which increased the amount of work they have... so we are actually short handed, and the money has been pretty decent.

Haven't gotten much poker in this month just been running around too much.... and working the next 12 days straight before I go on the cruise on December 2nd. Estie and I driving down to San Diego and she is going to spend the weekend there sightseeing. The cruise is sounding pretty exciting. I get to eat all the meals in the main dining room with the real customers, so it will be awesome eating all the good food... and making money while dealing poker on the cruise. Not to mention getting to go sight seeing in the cool ports we are stopping in.

Estie and I FINALLY went and saw Happy Feet yesterday. It isn't a bad movie, and it is really cute in parts... but the previews were definately the best part of it all. Lots more movies coming up for the holidays I want to see.... So time to get busy on the frequent movie club stuff!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I didnt know you were at gencon, I was there, saw trevor, but didnt see you, thats too bad. Glad to hear alls well.

Ryan Jones