Monday, October 02, 2006

October Checkup

Well... I left Atlanta February 24th to begin this journey of mine. Along the way I had great runs where I couldn't lose, and weeks upon weeks where I was frustrated beyond belief. There were a few times when I wasn't sure I could do it anymore... when I thought everything I had learned was completely useless. I even had to take a few breaks and re-analyze my play. After 7 months now I have learned a lot of new things I had never considered...

1) It is VERY VERY hard to seperate yourself from the winning and losing. You will never be good at poker if every time you lose it affects you drastically.

2) Poker is not a game you control. It is like baseball... it helps to have strong shoulders and a good swing... but you have to hit what they throw at you. If you can't hit a curve ball, you won't make it long in the league...

3) If you try to win, you lose. If you try not to lose, you lose. If you play scared, you lose. If you play afraid, you lose. If you daydream or don't concentrate, you lose. If you do everything perfect, and play exactly correct on every hand... you MIGHT win.

4) Poker is an ever changing game and if you can't adapt you will not make it. One style does not work for every night. You cannot go into the game with a "plan" and expect everyone else at the table to go with it. It is even harder when the game shifts from one extreme to another in the same session due to changing of players.

The end result of 7 months of this is I am more driven than ever to make this succeed... I am finally starting to get educated properly. It is a lot harder than I expected it to be... It takes a LOT of mental stamina and focus, but I am making the adaption and improving my game. Dealing the game definately helps by keeping me sharp when I am not playing and helping supplement the income.

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